Lets say you get the standard three quotations for a new boiler installation and they vary wildly in price. Quote one comes in at £1000, quote two comes in at £1300 and quote three comes in at £1700 all for the same boiler and same installation, would you go with the cheapest option?
Whilst those on a tight budget will probably go with the cheapest option, those lucky enough to have more cash to hand have more choice if they wish but why would they? The phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ springs to mind here, but that isn’t always the case especially with trades. The reason being that many new boiler installation companies in Rotherham and the surrounding areas are being founded by highly trained individuals that haven’t had their own business long. Thus they simply can’t charge the same as well established boiler installation companies and gas engineers as they simply don’t have the existing customers or huge history of customer reviews. If a small newly established company priced their work at the same or similar to a company with hundreds of reviews and years of internet history they simply wouldn’t win that job.
So how do you know whether you’re receiving a low-cost low-quality combi boiler installation or a low-cost high-quality combi boiler installation? If it was me id do a little research if the low-cost company has at least a few good reviews and their engineers when quoting are competent and provide everything in writing you’re good to go! For those cheap companies that have very little online presence and not a review in sight well……. You get what you pay for.